Animation Project

QRA Fitzroy

Ravel’s animation team was approached by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority to develop a 5-minute video that engaged and educated the communities found in the Fitzroy catchment about their flood risks and the resources available.

The video was an evolution of previous animated videos, specifically, where an animated character representing a key demographic of a Queensland catchments’ community would talk directly to the viewer using metaphoric illustrations to depict the subject matter. A 3D map of the catchment was also developed, helping to provide context on a macro level, as well as provide an indication of where iconic landmarks and townships are located in the basin.

Unique to this video was the use of client supplied imagery of real-life floods that have occurred in the Fitzroy catchment. Ravel’s animation and post-production crews teamed up to bring these still images to life using an assortment of deep etching and parallax effects to create a sense of depth that would otherwise be impossible to convey in a photo.

The result was not only informative and educational but captivating by using likeable character animation and design with dynamic photo treatment.

The video is now in circulation and used to help inform the people of the Fitzroy catchment to help them better prepare for potential floods.