
Queensland Reconstruction Authority

Extreme Weather

The Client

The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) is the lead agency responsible for disaster recovery and resilience policy in Queensland. It is charged with managing and coordinating the Queensland Government’s program of infrastructure renewal and recovery within disaster‐affected communities, with a focus on working with our state and local government partners to deliver best practice administration of public reconstruction and resilience funds.

The Challenge

QRA wanted to explore a new, more engaging way of communicating the experience and risks involved with common natural disasters experienced in Queensland; specifically, cyclones, floods and hailstorms. The execution needed to take methodical, technical information and convey it in an extremely eye-catching and intense way. QRA wanted the public to experience a disaster, as if it were happening, to truly convey the risk and damage that can, and would occur when they strike.

Ravel's Solution

It was decided that the best way to bring audiences into this experience, was to replicate an entire disaster event from beginning to end through high-end 3D graphics and simulation. Each disaster event was broken down into steps, each playing out in sequence from a single camera position, often from the height and eye-level of an average human. Representatives from BoM were filmed on greenscreen and composited into each scene to explain the events as they unfolded. This, combined with heavy sound design created an immersive, and often intense viewing experience.