
City of Gold Coast


The Client

The City of Gold Coast approached Ravel to develop a series of public-facing animated videos explaining the development of the Advanced Resource Recovery Centre (ARRC), a green recycling and energy precinct projected to reduce waste sent to landfill by up to 97% by 2035. 


The Challenge

With landfills expected to reach capacity within the next decade, our client needed to spread the word about the ARRC’s non-negotiable development to the public. Ravel needed to develop a series of videos that were education, engaging and, most critically, explain why the ARRC is an absolute necessity for the health and sustainability of the Gold Coast region.

Ravel's Solution

At the point of production, the ARRC had not started construction. Ravel decided to use a stylise 2D animation style, in addition of cel-shaded 3D elements. Animation was designed to avoid technical detail that may change during the development of the real ARRC. Storytelling was the backbone of the video series, leading the viewer on a journey into the region’s future of waste management.